Wonderful page, thank you.

Questions, please, Are there any statistics on:

The percentage of hospitalizations that end in death?

The average duration of hospitalizations that end in death.

The average duration of hospitalizations that end in survival.

The average cost of these hospitalizations?

The extent of damage resulting from covid-19 and how much therapy is required for survivors on average?

Perception seems to be that the death rate is way down, but there is much more to know about impact of covid-19 on the quality of life and on financial life, right? Is this being quantified?

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I believe CDC has data for this, but I'm not aware of these statistics being publicly available at the state level.

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If you have any contacts at CDC, could you ask them to report this, even nationally, would be so helpful, for people to know, thanks.

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Amber, I am an alum of your school and wish you had been there to teach me all those years ago! It is interesting to me that most of the Southwest Ga counties that were so bad early on are now showing much lower rates of increase. Do you think this is because of better isolation practices or increased penetration in these areas? Do you think they had their “wave” early on and the coast where I live, which had relatively few cases early, is currently in their own wave? Thanks

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Thank you.

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Question: When "today’s positive rate was 16.6% of all PCR tests performed" is it safe to assume these tests were actually taken 10-14 days ago? What is the average test to result time range? Thanks for this info - until I found your updates - I was trying to track the daily increases for Fulton county myself. :)

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Ali, we don't get details on that publicly, I'm sorry to say. The lag time between specimen collection and report date is too long and a frustration for many.

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